Sunday, January 9, 2011

on a momentous, yet bittersweet new beginning

Today, I turn 50.

For sometime I've been harangued by feelings of dissatisfaction with the state of my career and my country. I have thought about investigating other avenues that might foster more purpose and productivity in my days' contributions to a better world while actually providing me personally more happiness and contentment. Many respected, treasured and intelligent friends, colleagues and acquaintances have suggested I consider a writing career in some form.  I've spent these last months considering the method I might follow to make the change my life seems to so desperately need in order for me to find personal fulfillment in my changing world.

The tragic events of the last 24 hours in our damaged society, the occurrence of beautiful and innocent lives being stolen in the state of Arizona, the collateral of the barrage of encouraged vitriolic speech by  those who live their lives blanketed in hate and ignorance, led me to read someone else's blog, which somehow, in my not quite proficient use of technology, led me to set up this, my very own first attempt at blogging, an accidental and coincidental turn of potential personal magnitude.

So as I type through my tears of pain for all of the friends and families of those innocents lost in that hot desert state, and for all of us distant strangers struggling with the senselessness that drowns us, I pray that the higher power which guides all things heals all of our hurts. I pray that this violence, the  result of  irresponsible hate, ends.  I pray that somehow, and soon, good overcomes evil.

I pray for guidance as I venture to communicate to the world that we are responsible for our words, for our actions and for their results.